原文标题:5 narratives to watch in 2025.原文作者:0xNairolf,加密 Kol原文编译:zhouzhou,BlockBeats编者按:本文展望了...
This article carefully sorts out 30 projects with great potential to help you find new airdrop opportunities.
【GPT】2024年,比特币因美国现货ETF获批和特朗普当选创下历史新高,但其他加密资产表现更为亮眼。PEPE表情包币市值暴增1492%,SUI涨幅达1193%,MicroStrategy股票上涨464%。狗狗币受马斯克推动增长342%,XRP因监管胜诉市值飙升286%。贝莱德推出的比特币ETF也表现出色,资金流入创纪录。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Mat Di Salvo
获ai16z创始人Shaw力挺的aiPool与备受市场关注的Spore.fun均是利用Phala Network的TEE技术实现发币,这让上轮牛市中波卡生态活跃项目再次引得社区关注。
【GPT】比特币突破99000美元,量子计算技术可能威胁旧钱包安全,重新定义稀缺性叙事。特朗普支持比特币储备计划引发市场关注,或成加密货币分水岭。Hashgraph Group获阿布扎比基金管理牌照,启动1亿美元Web3基金。Solana链完成首笔咖啡交易,推动农业资产代币化。比特币衍生品数据暗示价格或突破105,000美元,选举结果带动OTC交易量激增。以太坊ICO鲸鱼向Kraken存入4160枚ETH,引发市场关注。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
尽管这次 Story Protocol 雇佣 Luna 作为推特内容实习生是独立事件,但结合 ATCP/IP,背后体现的是未来 Agent 经济的基础设施建设已经开始迈步了。
原文标题:5 narratives to watch in 2025.原文作者:0xNairolf,加密 Kol原文编译:zhouzhou,BlockBeats编者按:本文展望了...
在接下来一个月内,任何人都可以通过 Daydreams 部署 AI Agent,来游玩 Starknet 上任何基于 Dojo 的全链游戏。
由 a16z 领投、总融资 1.4 亿美元,作为专为知识产权(IP)设计的 Layer1,StoryProtocol 如何提供一种颠覆性的解决方案?
Goplus did not follow the mature To B business route, but differentiated itself by choosing the To C product promotion logic. It used the "360 on the chain" positioning to break the awkward positioning of security companies behind the scenes, turning security from passive to active and making it more inclusive.
【GPT】加密圈上演了一场“圣诞奇迹”:Runway CEO Siqi Chen为患罕见脑肿瘤的女儿Mira筹款,一枚匿名发行的Meme币$MIRA迅速攀升至8000万美元市值,并捐赠部分资金用于疾病研究。这一事件引发了加密慈善的热潮,同时伴随投机与争议,展现了善意与人性复杂交织的图景。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Luke
The Israeli Securities Authority (ISA) has approved six mutual funds that track the price of Bitcoin, launched by Migdal Capital Markets, More, Ayalon, Phoenix Investment, Meitav and IBI. Fund management fees range from 0.25% to 1.5%, and one of the funds is actively managed with the goal of outperforming Bitcoin. Initially, these funds will only trade once a day, but they may be able to trade continuously in the future.
The three keywords "ETF approval", "halving" and "US election" have driven the market changes of Bitcoin throughout the year. Behind this overall picture, what specific changes are worth paying attention to in the trading market, on-chain fundamentals and application levels of Bitcoin? What potential impact do these changes have on development in 2025?
MicroStrategy股票今年上涨402%,Core Scientific上涨307%;某匿名用户10天前曾在Babylon上质押1万枚BTC;VitaDAO拟分发690万枚BIO给VITA和VitaDAO IPT持有者。
根据 DappBay 的数据显示,MEET48 的活动 Dapp 在过去 30 天内的链上交互次数达到了 1560 万次,活跃用户地址数 UAW 达到 109 万。而在 DappRadar 的统计中,MEET48 的活动 Dapp 同样表现优异,在过去 30 天内的链上交互次数达到 1585 万次,活跃用户地址数 UAW 达到 108 万。